Saturday, August 1, 2009

More clues  


1. I guess the backgound in the photo is a dead giveaway- where else do we have pine trees in this country, right?

2. Two is tricky as it looks like a set-up made inside any place so here are more clues for two.
a. Locally, it`S called the City of Angels (by whom that`s a differnt story, =))
b. The city is part of the province, that is the culinary capital of the Philippines

3. This is where the Philippines` first 6-star resort is. The same all Filipino chain operates a luxe-cozy-homey bed and breakfast place in Tagaytay.

Ok, ready, get set...go!!!
WE hope to have a winner tomorrow, so WE can put up another contest, =)

What next?

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